General Assembly 2006
General Assembly was nothing like anything else I have experienced. From Wednesday the 21st until Sunday the 25th over 4,000 Unitarian Universalists gathered in St. Louis, Missouri. Together we worked, learned, prayed and played. UUA officials gave their reports, “breakthrough” congregations gave presentations, dozens of workshops were given on a variety of topics, a Statement of Conscious on Global Warming was debated and then accepted, a Study Action Issue on Peacemaking was adopted, and an exhibition hall was open eight hours a day. Throughout the festivities everyone was very busy, myself included. My time was split between staffing our booth, attending workshops, attending plenary, and attending meetings. While we worked from 8:30am until 8-10pm it was all very rewarding and energizing.
The biggest lesson I learned this weekend, was that I am not alone. UU churches, fellowships, and societies can be found in every state. When thinking of UUism, my visions were always based upon my home congregation, with little thought given to the broader picture and the thousand other congregations that claim UUism as their faith. But during GA I learned that UUism is a movement that can claim many as its followers/leaders, it was absolutely inspiring to be among so many who did. I also learned a great deal about the UUA, seeing how it operates and who the faces are behind the names.
The biggest lesson I learned this weekend, was that I am not alone. UU churches, fellowships, and societies can be found in every state. When thinking of UUism, my visions were always based upon my home congregation, with little thought given to the broader picture and the thousand other congregations that claim UUism as their faith. But during GA I learned that UUism is a movement that can claim many as its followers/leaders, it was absolutely inspiring to be among so many who did. I also learned a great deal about the UUA, seeing how it operates and who the faces are behind the names.
EB, Audra, and Meredith Under the Arch
Here is a funny story: I stayed in the Renaissance Grand Hotel, right across the street from the Convention Center. Many other UUs stayed here, including our President, Bill Sinkford. Throughout the Assembly I found myself in the elevator with Bill three times. The first of those times, was at night after the first plenary. It was a crowded elevator, the highlights of which were Meredith, Elizabeth, Bill and myself. As the door closed and the elevator headed upwards, there was a buzz in the air. Everyone was aware that we were in the elevator with the President. Bill looked around and said, “Are you all coming to the party on the 14th floor?” The buzz in the air quieted and silence met his question. He greeted the silence by saying, “Well I was invited.” Hilarious!!!
That was simply one moment of humor among many. There were many moments throughout the weekend. During Mary Oliver’s readings at the Ware Lecture, many eyes were filled with tears and there was much laughter. During the Sunday morning worship, we were witness to a Minister telling us how welcoming we were and how welcoming we could be. The entirety of the Assembly was focused on Right Relations, and while this may not have been the intent behind the theme, I cannot recall a time when I have been in better relationship with my religion. I am proud to be a UU.
That was simply one moment of humor among many. There were many moments throughout the weekend. During Mary Oliver’s readings at the Ware Lecture, many eyes were filled with tears and there was much laughter. During the Sunday morning worship, we were witness to a Minister telling us how welcoming we were and how welcoming we could be. The entirety of the Assembly was focused on Right Relations, and while this may not have been the intent behind the theme, I cannot recall a time when I have been in better relationship with my religion. I am proud to be a UU.